Monday, September 17, 2012

Not so Dirty Hippie

So my new friend Lilly sent me and Dear Husband a care package. Mostly books for us to enjoy among some other exciting things. The whole box smelled really really good. That's because she mailed me some Zum Bar soap. I've eyeballed this stuff before at one of our local grocery stores. But I've never picked any up, just sniffed the heck out of them while shopping. This soap has brought out my inner dirty hippie, but in a fresh and clean kind of way. I mean it is soap and I'd have to shower to use it, so I can't be that dirty. 

With all this hippie talk, and to Dear Husband's greatest pleasure (not really), I've started burning incense again.  Damn hippies.  My favorite incense of all time is Nag Champa, but I found some that was Nag Champa with Jasmin.  Yummm.

I've also been reading up on some home made products that are cheaper and possibly more effective then store bought products.
The most recent home-made, cheaper then store bought, hippie item: OCM Face Wash. OCM stands for Oil Cleansing Method. Using an oil that is similar to the pH of the oil my skin produces to help absorb excess oil.
I found an old plastic bottle in my home-made beauty supply box (that has been at the back of the bathroom closet for almost 5 years. AND, I might add, was covered in coconut oil that had leaked all over in the box of home made beauty supplies). I think it was Sea Breeze bottle at first. I put in 4 oz of caster oil then filled the rest up with extra virgin olive oil. I then put in a bit of tea tree oil since I have acne prone skin. This made a lot! I then started the hot water but I didn't get my face wet. I just applied the oil mix to my face and massaged it in. Then I got a washcloth really hot and placed that over my face, letting it warm the oils and let them do their magic. After a min or two I wiped the oil off. Easy as that. Afterwords, my skin felt tight and clean. It had that clean kind of shine to it. It was so clean feeling that I put on some moisturizer, just in case. I don't think I will stop using regular face wash just yet but it felt good to make something that felt so good to use. Felt even better when using a hand-made washcloth for the steaming part!

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