I know that I have been pretty silent for a while now and I don't think I'm going to even try to catch up with blogging about what life has brought me. . however, I can start right where I'm at.
1. I've been working out of the book The Artist's Way. I'm in week 11 out of 12 and I'm feeling pretty good about it.
Amazon.com Review
"With the basic principle that creative expression is the natural
direction of life, Julia Cameron and Mark Bryan lead you through a
comprehensive twelve-week program to recover your creativity from a
variety of blocks, including limiting beliefs, fear, self-sabotage,
jealousy, guilt, addictions, and other inhibiting forces, replacing them
with artistic confidence and productivity."
I don't really feel blocked or unblocked. . but I have learned some things about myself during this process and I'm glad I've done it. Because I own the book, I'll probably do it again in a few years time. Julia Cameron has other books with the same concepts. I think the next book of her's that I'll try is The Artist's way at Work.
2. I've given up on Christmas Knitting. . I've finished a few things and I've decided that I'm not going to freak out and try to finish all the projects that I had planned on doing. Not worth the crazy.
3. I've been thinking a lot about my 2013 New Year's Resolution. This is where life gets kinda crazy. . .
- I'm currently trying to pay off all my debts: credit cards & medical bills. So spending less sounds like a good place to start.
- I have LOTS of unfinished knitting projects (known as UFO's). I went through my knitting "area" and put all projects on needles in a box. The box overflows with UFO's.
- While going through my stash, I was reminded of the amount of sock yarn I own. . . . last year's resolution was to knit one pair of socks per month, I made 7 out of 12. . . good enough for my first attempt but I still have a crap-ton of sock yarn.
So, keeping those things in mind, my 2013 New Year's Resolution is:
Do not buy yarn for the year of 2013, Knit from your stash!
I know that might be scary for some knitters. . . . But really, I did spend a lot of money in the past year on yarn when that money could have gone to paying off a bill faster. The time spent shopping, storing, and (yes) smelling the yarn (I know I'm not the only one who does that!) could have been spent knitting on projects in my stash or finishing a UFO.
But not buying ANY yarn?? Ok, I have some exceptions, if some one gives me a gift card to a yarn store for Christmas or my birthday. . I'll probably get yarn. I will not stop buying sweaters to convert back into yarn. . . however, I still have a small pile of sweaters to go through. This summer when we go on vacation, we're probably going to Colorado. I will allow myself some souvenir yarn IF I come across some that I like. Hubby is pretty good of staying clear of yarn stores when we are out and about together.
So there you have it. . . . My 2013 Resolution.