Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dear February Socks,


  I’m so sorry that you were not finished before the end of February.  I was really hoping that, with it being a leap year and all, that the extra day was all I would need to finish you before March poked its head around the corner.  But unfortunately, with my boss on vacation, my day job became really hectic.  Then, silly me, thinking that turning a heel would be to difficult to do while watching the super bowl, I started on the March socks.  I wanted to have some easy knitting while I cheered on the Patriots.  The pattern for March was so easy; I didn’t have to look at it all!  Next thing I know I’ve got several inches of March sock and only a leg of February socks finished.  With only two weeks to go, I was certain the foot portion would go fast, I wasn’t worried.  I even spent one of my days off knitting a dishcloth instead of working on you!  Which I have now paid for, many stitches over.  I should have known I wasn’t going to finish when my knitting friends started to comfort me with only a week to go.  On that extra day of February, I still didn’t work on you.  Instead I decided to plan out a shawl, started winding the yarn for it and swatching.  I’m so, so sorry for this horrible lapse in judgment.  Today is March 4th and I’m still working on the foot of the first sock.  You have now become my “between projects” socks.  Though I will not change your name, you are still February socks to me.  You will get finished, I promise.  You are the most intricate and complicated pair of socks I’m planning on making, at the moment anyway.  You may not feel it right now, but after a year of sock knitting, you will be THE prized pair of socks out of the twelve.  So don’t feel bad as I set you aside so I can work on the March socks.  Don’t worry that you will be forgotten and left unfinished.  I will make it up to you by showing you off!  Sock wearers of the world will love and adore you. 
Please forgive me.

Your loving maker,

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Slumber Party

On Jan 10th my niece turned six years old.  So I drove to the great city of Wichita Kansas to hang out with Emily (my niece), her mom and my mom.  My mom and sister are knitters. . . So we went to some yarn stores in celebration of Emily's birthday.  Emily, however, thinks knitting is boring.   Since we spent the day boring Emily, I spent the night doing what Emily wanted to do, a slumber-party.  Now, for those of you who don’t know, I’m almost 30, definitely on my way to adulthood.  I’m a bit over weight and my back doesn’t really like it when I sleep on a hard surface.  But I did it anyway.  Cuddled with a Disney princess blanket, I slept on her bedroom floor.  The next day I had the best coffee (thanks to my sister who works for Starbucks), which totally made up for my back ache.  That afternoon we had a party that included cake, presents and party favors.  Emily set out party horns, helicopter toys, and balloons, all color coded.  That night I drove back to Manhattan, and made it back in time for knit night.  Even though my back paid for the sleep over, I’m glad I got to spend so much time with Emily and my sister.  As a Christmas present to my sister, I told her that anytime she wanted, I would come up for a knitting lesson and maybe some thrift store shopping.  One of my sister’s many talents is finding great clothes at thrift stores.  Which leads me to my next topic, converting a sweater back to yarn.